The Final Countdown – The Shop – Week 7 – Spring ORC 2022
Rolling into week 7 of the One Room Challenge in partnership with Apartment Therapy, and lots happened this week! Let’s get into it (I know, short and sweet)!
It’s done! I won’t be showing the entire reveal till next week when the ORC finishes but here is a sneak of what it looks like now. It is a proper storage unit! Again, it’s not perfect but it’s functional!

They finally came in! I assembled them all and with the help of my husband (because they are heavy and safety is important ha….I am usually pretty stubborn and do it myself but being safe this time). Again, Just a sneak peak! In the photo below, I was trying to decided which orientation the handles should be.

Once I got the cabinets installed, I was finally able to attach the brick panels. I used a joint compound on it to make it appear more real by adding texture. The faux brick panels due have texture but the grout lines are very smooth and not very believable. Once that dried, I painted the brick white to soften it up further. I only did one coat so that there would still be a bit of depth. It isn’t fully finished as I need to caulk the edges but its coming along.

I feel like this is pretty explanatory (sorry if these posts are getting short and quick! I have been working so hard to get this done by the ORC deadline and haven’t had much time to really dedicate a lot of time to my blog but I promise a BIG reveal next week! As for wood storage and doors frames, I filled more nail holes and got rid of scraps I knew I wouldn’t use. There is one project I am not sure I will have completed for reveal as the product has not arrived yet which is unfortunate because it was a big part of the reveal but that’s okay.
What is left?
Drawer Faces – Handles for the drawers – Proslat Wall System! Can we do it?! Let’s find out!
