The Shop Reveal – Week 8 – Spring 2022 ORC
8 weeks have come and gone and another One Room Challenge is wrapped up. Hundreds of rooms completed – or near completed (Hi, that’s me and I’ll explain!). It is always incredible getting to looking back at where everyone started and how they transformed their spaces. Let’s get into the reveal by starting at the beginning.
July 2021 (Pre-ORC)
Last summer, I started renovating the garage before putting on hold for the Fall 2021 ORC where I was a featured designer for my Pantry Remodel. I mud and tapped the space, primed and painted, Epoxied the floor, built a mobile work bench, and installed a few new systems for organization. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get to the cabinet build I had planned as well as the remainder of the storage on the south wall of the garage.

ORC 2022
This Spring, I was FINALLY able to build the cabinets with a counter, build new (and MUCH safer) stairs, build hidden paint storage under the stairs, and frame out the doors. There was ONE thing I couldn’t finish (so technically, this is my first ORC I did not finish in time) due to a shipment issue and that was the ProSlat wall system for the south wall but I will be installing it next week and will do a completed reveal then! I am also waiting on a personalized sign that I hope to be getting in a few weeks.

So what is left? The Proslat wall system which will help to get the rest of the stuff off the floor and organized! Then the garage project will be complete and it will be onto the next project (which is a 95% project back from April 2020!). Thank you for following along with this transformation!
