
FALL 2021 One Room Challenge Room Reveal!

Hey everyone!! If you‘re new here, my name is Jenna and I am the face behind From House To Home. I am a proud prairie girl living in Saskatchewan, CANADA! As a mom to 3 young girls, it excites me to be able to show my girls that anything they put their minds too, they can achieve. A year and a half ago, I decided that after 5 years of living in our current builder-grade house that I wanted to finally make it feel like a home (even if it isn‘t our forever home). Room by room, I transformed spaces in my home, learnt new skills, and new tools.

Now that you all know my background a bit better, let‘s get to the project reveal! I am beyond excited to have been selected as a featured designer for the Fall 2021 ORC in partnership with Better Homes And Gardens and to finally get to reveal the space I will be working on this season! The One Room Challenge, if not familiar, happens twice a year and encourages DIYers, interior designers, and home owners alike, to complete a room in 8 weeks. It‘s a community that uplifts and encourages week-by-week and even beyond the challenge. We are all winners. Some of us, it‘s the first time renovating a space and others are seasoned vets but in the end, we are all here to support each other in our transformations!

This will be my third One Room Challenge. I completed my Laundry Room in the Fall 2020 ORC and converted our old playroom into a “Retreat” for guests and our family to relax in during the Spring 2021 ORC. This Fall, I will be taking a room in my home that has lacked function and organization for over 6 years. My goal for 2021 is to bring function to each space and ensure it aligned with our lifestyle and this room is one that my family is in DAILY! It‘s a room that I have shown a very small amount of times, HOWEVER, I did mention it at the beginning of the year as a potential project. Do you remember what room is it?

Get ready, it‘s time for the PANTRY PROJECT to begin and for my kitchen to be in complete chaos for a few weeks while I take this space from builder-grade boring to a space with function and character that works for my entire family…including our 7 month old puppy, Mylo!


Unorganized chaos is one way to describe this space. Monthly, I find myself in here sorting each shelf in hopes that it will remain organized only to find the next day, my kids have shuffled a few things around or my husband and I have a new food item to add with no spot for it. Now, with a puppy added to the family, his large food bin sits awkwardly in the middle which also give our youngest daughter a “stepping stool” to reach the “forbidden treats” hidden on higher shelves.


As you can see, pure chaos! There is no system and it just feels full and cluttered. I am working with 8ft x 6ft so it isn’t huge but I am certain I can give it the make-over it so desperately needs. My plan is to open it up, bring in some tones, and create a system that works. This builder-grade pantry is getting a make-over and I can’t wait to show you the plan for it next week! Be sure to subscribe to my blog or follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss the mood board or any progress! In the mean-time, be sure to check out all the other incredible featured designers project reveals! I can’t wait to see everyones rooms come together the next 8 weeks and meet so many

Albie KnowsAt Home with Savvy | Beth Diana Smith | Eclectic TwistErika Ward Interiors | From House to HomeG. Lebron Interiors | Goldalamode | Home Made by CarmonaImpeccable Nest | Jeweled InteriorsJoyful Designs StudioJoy Street Design | Our Fifth HousePeony & Honey | Pinch Plate Party | Rebecca Propes | Reem‘s Design | Saudah Saleem Interiors | Whitney J Decor

 Media BH&G | TM ORC

Let do this!!

Jenna – From House To Home

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