FALL ORC 2021 – Week 5 – Perseverance Is Key
How do I even behind to explain this past week. It was a very rough one. Week 5 of the One Room Challenge consisted of some fails and redos but it also came with a huge, crippling problem….
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen the news that my entire family (except our 3.5 year old), were tested positive for the big C word this week. My husband was able to recover very quickly and handled it much like a cold and our children have yet to show symptoms (knocking on all the wood in my house)…Myself on the other hand, have been dealt the full deck and to be honest, it‘s been very difficult to do much of anything without feeling like I just ran the Boston marathon…but in 5 seconds of just walking around. I have been extremely weak and dizzy and not to mention, tired. Very very tired. I am so thankful for a husband who is handy with the tools and trying his best to keep me stress free and the pantry moving forward.
So where does that put me for progress this week… well further behind than where I begun the week. Unfortunately, I realized that when I did my shelf supports, I measured them for a 3/4 plywood finish when in reality, they will have a 1/2 in thick finish piece. This resulted in having to take down the shelves and recut..every..single..one. But I am human and mistakes happen. Now, due to me being sick, my AMAZING husband, Brock, picked up a lot of the slack. He doesn‘t record himself or like being on camera and, I respect that, so their isn‘t much to show but when I was able to drag myself out of bed, I snapped a few “progress” shots of the areas he was working on for me.

I REALLY wanted to show the process of how we changed the glass, made a new interior frame to hold the new glass and the whole nine-yards-of changing out the door but it is what it is. The exciting thing about this door though is the hardware! This door marks the beginning of an entire house transformation as I will be changing out all the door handles inside, and outside, the house! I have mentioned in previous posts that the handle I will be using is the VIDA Square by Delaney Hardware and I am so excited to get it installed!
We chose to take off the trim around the glass and replace it with a flat trim.We also managed to get paint on the door! This was a process I REALLY wanted to demonstrate because it‘s sometimes hard getting that smooth finish without using a sprayer.
How we got a smooth finish
- First we had to lightly sand the previous finish so the new paint would have a surface to stick too.
- Once it was sanded, we applied the first coat of paint. I used a foam roller and let it just glide on the surface of the door to prevent streaks.
- When the first coat was dry, I lightly sanded again with a 220 grit to remove any bumps (dust particles, etc) that may have gotten stuck in the first coat.
- Second coat with about the same amount of pressure on the roller. Repeat sanding once dry and do a third coat. Lightly sand again and done!
- I used a Satin Finish but it is recommended to use a Semi-gloss for doors! I only used it because it is what I had on hand.

Did you see the walls entering the pantry?! YES! I went Moody! And that colour may be pretty similar to the tile I will be installing in a few weeks if I can get myself back to 100% health and moving again.The shiplap I am installing in the open space where the vacuum will go will also be black. As for the cabinet colour, I have decided to go with Alabaster by Sherwin Williams. I have never used that colour before so hopefully I love it because there is a paint shortage and there is no going back now (especially because I‘m on lock-down till Halloween at midnight).

There is A LOT to do in 21 days now that I had this little illness setback but if there is anything I know, it’s that I can pull it off, someway somehow, I always find a way. I am hopeful that by the end of week 5 I will have the shelves in and ready for electrical and the cabinets painted. I am also going to try and get the drawers built! A lot to do in little time!
Don’t forget to check out how all the other featured designers are fairing this week!
Albie Knows | At Home with Savvy | Beth Diana Smith | Eclectic Twist | Erika Ward Interiors | From House to Home | G. Lebron Interiors | Goldalamode | Home Made by Carmona | Impeccable Nest | Jeweled Interiors| Joyful Designs Studio | Joy Street Design | Our Fifth House | Peony & Honey | Pinch Plate Party| Rebecca Propes | Reem‘s Design | Saudah Saleem Interiors | Whitney J Decor

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