
SPRING 2021 ORC – Week 5 – Look At The Bright Side

Heading into another week of the One Room Challenge and the homestretch is right around the corner. If I am being honest, I am behind by quite a bit but that‘s okay. With the setbacks I had last week, progress is slowly being made. So what happened this past week? A LOT of white!

I was able to get the built ins primed and painted and if you saw in my Instagram stories this week, sunglasses may be required with how bright the room is now! It took my 9 hours to carefully tape and cover the room to spray with my Graco Sprayer but it was so worth it. The finish is so smooth and the colour turned out perfect. I chose to go with Snowbound by Sherwin Williams for the builtins and will be painting the walls extra white later this week. My ultimate goal was to have a slight tone variance so fingers crossed, they will!

Now you‘re probably thinking “that‘s a lot of white! Where is the dimension?!” Well good news! The builtins aren‘t full complete yet! But you‘ll just have to wait to find out what that plan if! Don’t be alarmed by the blotchy paint on the back of the shelf walls! I have a plan!

I have 3 goals for this week:

  • Get faux beams built
  • Build drawers faces
  • Build cabinet doors
  • Paint walls extra white (optional – may try to do this before the beams go up so I don’t have to cut-in around rough-edge beams)

It‘s going to be another packed week but I am excited as it is getting closer and closer to completion! Everyone‘s projects are looking amazing so far (check them out HERE) as well as all the feature designer‘s projects! (HERE).



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  1. The amount of work you have done in this space is INCREDIBLE! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the back of the shelves. All the best in week 6 – I’ll be rooting for you!

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