
Hitting A Brick Wall – The Shop – Week 6 – Spring 2022 ORC

Here we go, HERE WE GO! 2 weeks left off the One Room Challenge. I can’t believe I am saying that. It’s major crunch time now and I just made a list and the list is long! But, while I try not to pass out from the massive to-do list ahead of me, I did want to update about where we are at to this point and what was has been finished!

The Before


IF you follow me on instagram, you know I have been talking about the “paint storage” for a few weeks…I have also been putting it off for a few weeks and working on the cabinet wall and storage. HOWEVER, this weekend, my husband and I , FINALLY got it 85% complete. I am, close enough, right? I will be finishing it this week but I am so excited to get them off the floor and stored away and out of the way.

For the the paint storage, we used a few scrap sheets of plywood hanging around and a few pieces of scrap 2×4 for the base. We then attached 4 wheels to each, two rotating ones, 2 stationery ones. This will allow the storage to “swivel” out and allow us access to all the cans. I will be adding a hinge to one side so that they pivot from the front panel which will be the door for the unit under the stairs. I hope that all makes sense!


I am still waiting on my upper cabinets to arrive! Hopefully sooner than later! In the meantime, I took the drawer faces off that I had made because I need to recut them as I forgot about the edge pull thickness so I am back to square one there. But, I did get some brick paneling cut! I wanted a better quality brick but as this is for the garage, I am not too worried about it at this time. I know a lot of people will “butt” the panels up together but I am doing a “puzzle” style to match them up. I feel this technique will be able to make it easier to hide the joining points… that, or I am about to face palm myself if it doesn’t work! DIY and TRY, right? I also will be applying the top coats to the counter over the next few days.


  • Clean out scrap wood and garbage
  • NEW drawer faces
  • Finish Brick and White Wash it
  • Install Upper Cabinets
  • ProSlat wall system Install
  • Finish trim (Door frames)
  • Tidy up wood storage
  • Install Handles

ONLY 10 days till the reveal! AHHHHH. Let’s GO!


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